The Odyssey: Essay Topics & Samples

Are you studying Homer’sThe Odysseyand need to write a paper on it? Are you lost in the vast diversity of themes the poem is covering? Or maybe you are searching for examples and essay topics forThe Odyssey-themed paper?

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Our team created the list of successfulThe Odysseyessay topics for you. Moreover, we can offer you insightful prompts and useful examples to help you compose an outstanding paper.

So, look through our page and pick the most valuable ideas. Your writing process will definitely become more pleasurable with ourThe Odysseyessay prompts.


  1. Why is Odysseus a true epic hero?
    AnalyzeOdysseus’ personality. What character traits of the King of Ithaca determine him as an epic hero? In your essay, explain why Odysseus remains one of the most widely-discussed heroes for several thousands of years.
  2. Homericsimiles inThe Odyssey.
    Define the term Homeric simile and provide examples fromThe Odysseybook. What was the reason for using these similes? Elaborate on the role of similies in the text. How do Homeric similes differ from the ones we use in regular communication?
  3. The role of women inThe Odyssey.
    Analyze the behavior of all the women Odysseus met throughout his journey to Ithaca. What role did the women play in Odysseus’ fate? Compare and contrastPenelopeandAthena. Why was Penelope remaining faithful to her husband for 20 years, waiting for him? Why did Athena help Odysseus to overcome the obstacles on his journey? Include appropriate quotes and examples in your essay.
  4. What lessons can the readers learn from Odysseus’ journey?
    The main character’s trip to Ithaca isfull of adventures. Based on your observations, explain what useful knowledge the poem delivers to the readers. Don’t forget to include appropriate quotes and convincing arguments to make your essay more impressive.
  5. The theme of loyalty inThe Odyssey.
    Compare and contrast the perception offaithfulness佩内洛普和奥德修斯。为什么佩内洛普仍dedicated entirely to her husband? How did Odysseys prove the faithfulness to his wife? Explain why the readers consider Odysseus loyal, even though he did not demonstrate loyalty in sexual relationships.
  6. The IliadandThe Odysseyare two interconnected Homer’s books.
    How are the two bookslinked? Prove the significance of exploringThe OdysseyalongsideThe Iliadand vice versa. How do these books can help in learningancient Greekhistory? Support your arguments with appropriate evidence to make your essay more convincing.
  7. The secret ofThe Odysseybook popularity.
    Being written in approximately 7th century BC,The Odysseyremains a widely-discussed poem. In your opinion, what secret lies behind the book’s recognition? Is it an amazing plot? Or the relevance of the discussed themes? Or maybe theprofessionalismof the author that attracts the readers’ attention? Prove your position by providing appropriate arguments and supportive details.
  8. The development of Telemachus’ personality throughout the story.
    Analyze howTelemachusturn from an immature boy into a strong and independent man throughout the book. What circumstances played a crucial role in his establishment as a prince of Ithaca? Compare and contrast Telemachus’ character at the beginning ofThe Odysseybook and the end.
  9. The Odysseyis a door to the world of ancient Greek culture.
    How can the book help investigate the world order of ancient Greece? Comment on how does the phenomenon ofGreek hospitalityis enlightened in the poem. What do the readers learn about Greek mythology fromThe Odyssey? Highlight the significance of the epic to contemporary readers.
  10. The symbols as a crucial part ofThe Odyssey.
    Homer impresses the readers with a widediversity of symbolsrepresented in the poem. Pick three of them. For example, the sea, Odysseus’ bow, and Laertes’ shroud. What do thesesymbolsreflect? How do the symbols help to follow the hidden context Homer managed to write forThe Odyssey?

Essay Samples

你想创建一个outstanding essay, but inspiration left you in such a vital moment? No worries! We know how to help you. Take a look at our essay samples, get inspired, and compose your paper.

  1. Five Priorities for Wisest Life: “The Odyssey” by Homer
    The Odyssey, commonly dated to 800 BC, explores a variety of themes relevant to the modern reader. Wondering what they are? Take a look at the sample and learn some valuable lessons from such an old book.
  2. The Aeneid, the Iliad and the Odyssey Literature Comparison
    The Aeneid, The Iliad, and The Odyssey are three iconic pieces of literature. Do you need to investigate what do they have in common? Or maybe you are looking for the differences between the books? Read this essay and find answers to all of your questions!
  3. The Hero’s Journey: The Odyssey and Gilgamesh Comparison
    The conventional journey of the epic hero remains one of the most captivating stories in civilization.The Odyssey, The Iliad, andThe Epic of Gilgameshpresent different heroes who encounter similar obstacles during their adventures. This essay compares and contrasts these poems in terms of plot and characters.
  4. Odysseus and Maximus: Heroes Comparison
    Contemporary literature presents readers with such prominent heroes as Odysseus and Maximus. The paper demonstrates the differences and similarities between the characters. Additionally, it argues that Maximus is a greater hero and provides evidence.
  5. Homer’s Penelope in “The Odyssey”
    An example of ultimate loyalty, infinite love, and unquestionable wisdom – that’s all about Penelope. Check out this essay to learn more about Odysseus’ wife. Explore her personality and unveil the secret of her dedication to her husband.
  6. Relationship between Gods and Humans in The Odyssey
    How does the divine world intersect with the real one inThe Odyssey? How do Gods treat people? This essay will elaborate on the relationships between Gods and people in the epic poem. Explore the complexity of the interactions between mortal and immortal creatures in the book.
  7. What Do Monsters Represent in The Odyssey?
    The variety of characters in The Odyssey won’t leave any reader indifferent. Apart from people and Gods, Homer masterfully introduces monsters in his book. Read this paper to figure out what each creature represents in the epic poem. Learn how Odysseus battles against them to refresh spiritually.
  8. Penelope and Weaving in Homer’s “The Odyssey”
    This essay explores the woman’s role in society. Analyze Penelope’s virtues that make her an outstanding character with the author. Check how her intelligence and loyalty make her a perfect queen and wife for Odysseus.
  9. Character Comparison: “Odyssey”, “Scarlett Latter,” “Troy,” “Hamlet”
    Wondering what these masterpieces of world literature and cinematography have in common? The author of the essay has the answer. The characters of each piece of art vividly represent basic human qualities throughout history. Read this essay to understand what we mean.
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